Interdisciplinary Research

Event Date Speaker Title Host Notes
Prof. Markus Heyl (University of Augsburg) Quantum many-body dynamics in two dimensions with artificial neural networks Prof. Yi-Ping Huang (NTHU)
Han Ma (Perimeter Institute) Nonperturbative RG flow and IR effective action of the O(N) vector model Prof. Yi-Ping Huang (NTHU)
Giuseppe Carleo (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland) Fermionic neural-network quantum states Prof. Po-Chung Chen (NTHU)
Dr. Wei-Chih Chen (NCTS) Molecular Design Principles of Internal Reorganization Energy for Organic Optoelectronic Materials: A Perspective of Molecular-orbital Theory Prof. Jeng-Da Chai
Prof. Masaki Oshikawa (Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo) Resolving the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in the 2D XY model with tensor-network based level spectroscopy  Prof. Po-Chung Chen (NTHU)
Prof. Masaki Oshikawa (Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo) Resolving the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in the 2D XY model with tensor-network based level spectroscopy Prof. Po-Chung Chen (NTHU)
Prof. Juan Carrasquilla (Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence) Variational Neural Annealing Prof. Po-Chung Chen (NTHU)
Prof. Ian McCulloch (University of Queensland) Finite-entanglement scaling functions at quantum critical points Prof. Po-Chung Chen (NTHU)
Ms. Shih-Wen Hor (The University of Tokyo) R-symmetric SU(5) Dr. Girish Kumar (NTU)