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Student Outstanding Paper Award 學生優秀理論論文獎

2024 NCTS Student Outstanding Paper Award

國家理論科學研究中心物理組學生優秀理論論文獎申請辦法 NCTS Student Outstanding Paper Award Eligibility & Rules
Please send the application form together with a PDF version of the submitted paper, and a letter of recommendation to “”; subject line: Application for NCTS Student Outstanding Paper Award - [Applicant’s Full Name].

Application Deadline: Friday, March 1, 2024

二、論文主題需與本中心的研究組(Thematic Groups, TGs)主題相關。

Eligibility & Rules (An English translation of the above official document):
1. Students who are related to the NCTS Physics Division, whose papers were submitted to the international scientific journals while they were in school and have been published at the time of making an application for the Award, are eligible to apply.
2. The paper should be relevant to the research topics of the NCTS-Physics Thematic Groups (TGs).
3. The publication dates of the papers must be between January 1 and December 31 of the previous year.
4. Total Number of Winners: At most 12 winners may be awarded each year. Each TG may recommend at most one student in principle. If a TG recommends 2 students or more, the program committee will decide according to the application situation. It can be no recipient of the award.
5. Award: Each winner will be awarded NT$20,000 and a certificate.
6. Application Period: The application time will be announced in the first half of each year.
7. Application Materials: Application form, the theoretical paper, and a letter of recommendation.
8. Application materials will be first reviewed by the NCTS TGs and then sent to the NCTS Program Committee (PC) for a final review.
9. Winner(s) shall give a presentation on the paper and relevant research at the NCTS.
10. One student can receive the award once only.

申請表(Application Form):