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TG2.1: High energy phenomenology

I. Coordinator:
Meng-Ru Wu (AS)
mwu [at]

II. Core Members:
Center Scientists
Meng-Ru Wu (AS), Cheng-Wei Chiang (NTU), Chia-Hsien Shen (NTU), Po-Yan Tseng (NTHU)

Core members
Chuan-Ren Chen (NTNU)
Kingman Cheung (NTHU)
Anthony Francis (NYCU)
Sho Iwamoto (NSYSU)
Cheng-Pang Liu (NDHU)
Di-Lun Yang (AS)

Garcia de la Vega, Leon M. 高西亞

III. Research Themes:
- Higgs physics
- Flavor physics
- Neutrino physics
- Gravitational wave detectors as particle physics probes
- Particle astrophysics
- Strong interactions
- Deep machine learning

IV. Activities

V. Expected achievements:
In the next few years, we expect some significant research progress in all the above-mentioned directions.  Our core members will strive to propose novel methods to help experimentalists making precision measurements of the Higgs couplings and probing direct searches of exotic Higgs bosons.  The new flavor data will push our group members to examine whether there are indeed hints of new physics, as the current data suggest, and what they imply.  Neutrino physics provides a steady flow of new results which will be closely followed and accompanied by research papers by NCTS scientists and their groups. Close connections of center scientists with the local and international gravitational wave community and the development of experimental infrastructure in Taiwan itself will also allow unique opportunities in this exciting new field. Exploration of exciting and new astronomical observations on implications to particle physics will be made.  As stated above, a more thorough understanding of hadron spectroscopy, hadronic transition matrix elements, and parton distributions will be made in lattice QCD.  Finally, as an emerging new tool in theoretical physics analyses, the TG members will, in collaboration with the experimental colleagues whenever possible, devise better deep neural networks to help improve efficiencies in various aspects of particle physics studies.