Interdisciplinary Research

Event Date Speaker Title Host Notes
Prof. Vladimir U. Nazarov (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) [NCTS Lecture Series] Time-dependent variational principle of McLachlan in many-body quantum physics Prof. Guang-Yu Guo & Dr. Chao-Ping Hsu
Prof. George C. Schatz (Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, USA) Describing Plasmons with Electronic Structure Theory Dr. Liang-Yan Hsu (AS)
Prof. Yu, Jen-Shiang K (NYCU) / Dr. I-Ya Chang (NYCU) [Mix Gen Lecture Series] Inorganic photochromic materials and design / Molecular Simulation Aided Photochromic Color Tuning of Copper-doped Zinc Sulfide Nanocrystals Dr. Liang-Yan Hsu (AS)
Jeng-Da Chai, Yueh-Ning Lee, Jun-Yi Wu, Kuo-Chuan Pan, Horng-Tay Jeng, Liang-Yan Hsu, Shin-Liang Chen NCTS Theoretical Physics Symposium at 2025 TPS Annual Meeting Jeng-Da Chai
Matthias Gohlke, Jun Takahashi, SHINAOKA Hiroshi Pre 2025 TPS miniworkshop Prof. Yi-Ping Huang (NTHU)
Prof. Tuan Tran (School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University) Unsteady soft wetting: from wetting ridge formation to stick-slip dynamics Pik-Yin Lai (NCU)
Prof. Yilong Han 韓一龍 (Department of Physics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) Premelting-like phenomena on the surfaces of colloidal crystals and glasses    Pik-Yin Lai (NCU)
Dr. Cheng-ju Lin (UMD) Instability of steady-state mixed-state symmetry-protected topological order to strong-to-weak spontaneous symmetry breaking. Prof. Chia-Min Chung (NSYSU)
Dr. Su-Kuan Chu (JILA, UC Boulder) Entanglement Renormalization Circuits for Chiral Topological Order. Prof. Pochung Chen  (NTHU)
Prof. Jinguo LIU [HKUST(GZ)] Gadget design - towards embedding computational hard problems to physical devices. Prof. Chia-Min Chung (NSYSU)
Prof. Kun Chen (CAS) AI Tech Stack for Electron Field Theory. Prof. Chia-Min Chung (NSYSU)
Prof. Lei Wang (CAS) CrystalFormer. Prof. Chia-Min Chung (NSYSU)
Prof. Greg Huber (University of California San Francisco) Riddles of the sphinx tilings: chirality, entropy, and thermodynamics Prof. Pik-Yin Lai (NCU)
Prof. Penger Tong (Department of Physics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) Emergent multiscale mechanics of living cells Prof. Pik-Yin Lai (NCU)
Prof. Legeza Örs (Wigner Research Centre for Physics) Recent advances in tensor network state methods via AI accelerators and mode optimization. Prof. Chia-Min Chung (NSYSU)
Prof. Yongxin Yao (Ames Lab/Iowa State University) Adaptive Variational Quantum Computing Approaches for Green’s Functions and Nonlinear Susceptibilities. Prof. Chia-Min Chung (NSYSU)
Prof. Naomi S. Ginsberg Following and controlling nanoscale formation and function of bottom-up assembled materials Prof. Yuan-Chung, CHENG (NTU)
Prof. Dr. Lode Pollet (LMU Munich). Many-body physics with Rydberg systems: a route to lattice supersolids and spin liquids. Prof. Chia-Min Chung (NSYSU)
Prof. Glen Evenbly (AWS/CalTech). Loop Series Expansions for Tensor Networks. Prof. Chia-Min Chung (NSYSU)
Dr. Tatsuo Shibata (RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research) Chiral pattern formation in a migrating multicellular system Prof. Pik-Yin Lai