[Mix Gen Lecture Series] Inorganic photochromic materials and design / Molecular Simulation Aided Photochromic Color Tuning of Copper-doped Zinc Sulfide Nanocrystals

  • Event Date: 2025-01-20
  • Nanoscale Physics and Chemistry
  • Speaker: Prof. Yu, Jen-Shiang K (NYCU) / Dr. I-Ya Chang (NYCU)  /  Host: Dr. Liang-Yan Hsu (AS)
    Place: Online

Mix Gen Lecture Series

「國家理論科學研究中心」與「台灣理論計算分子科學學會」自2025年1月起推出 「Mix Gen Lecture Series」演講,將以線上演講方式進行,第一場將於2025年1月20日晚上7點線上進行(Webex),歡迎參加。
Starting in January 2025, T2CoMSA and the National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS) are launching the Mix Gen Lecture Series online. The first talk is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on January 20, 2025.

引言演講:資深學者擔綱,以宏觀面向介紹該次專題演講之研究現況與發展 (20 分鐘)。
Short Lecture by Introducer: A senior theoretical/computational researcher will give an overview and perspective talk addressing the topic selected by the invited speaker (20 minutes).
專題演講:年輕研究學者的研究工作 (45分鐘) + Q&A 25分鐘。
Invited Lecture: A young theoretical/computational researcher will present his/her research accomplishments (45 minutes) followed by a Q&A session (25 minutes).
Frequency: Once a month, with the exact time to be determined.
演講語言: 中文。
Language: Chinese.

2025年1月20日晚上7點 演講內容:
Detailed information regarding the Seminar on 19:00, Jan. 20th, 2025

引言人 Introducer:國立陽明交通大學生物科技學系 尤禎祥教授  Prof. Yu, Jen-Shiang K (Department of Biological Science and Technology, NYCU)
題目 Title:Inorganic photochromic materials and design

演講者 Speaker:國立陽明交通大學生物科技學系 張怡雅博士  Dr. I-Ya Chang (Department of Biological Science and Technology, NYCU)
演講題目 Title:Molecular Simulation Aided Photochromic Color Tuning of Copper-doped Zinc Sulfide Nanocrystals

Webex link: https://nationaltaiwanuniversity-zbh.my.webex.com/nationaltaiwanuniversity-zbh.my-tc/j.php?MTID=mcadde9b8b11f76e9c5a97b61d51c12ba

會議號 Meeting Number:2557 460 7592
密碼 Password:mixgen01202025