High Energy Physics and Astrophysics

Event Date Speaker Title Host Notes
Prof. Andrew Cooper (NTHU) Exploring the Universe with the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Prof. Kingman Cheung (NTHU)
Dr. Chung-Lin Shan  Simulation Interpretations of 3-Dimensional Elastic WIMP-Nucleus Scattering for Direct Dark Matter Detection
Prof. Shih-Chieh Hsu (University of Washington/NTHU) The recent status of the FASER experiment Dr. Girish Kumar (NTU)
Dr. Asuka Ito (NTHU) Axion search with quantum nondemolition detection of magnons Prof. Kingman Cheung (NTHU)
Prof. Shih-Chieh Hsu Using Machine Learning for Advancing Science Discovery
Dr. Raymundo Ramos (ASIoP) Searching for low-mass vector dark matter, dark photon and Z' Dr. Girish Kumar (NTU)
Dr. Che-Yu Chen (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica) Black hole image as a probe to fundamental nature of gravitys Prof. Kingman Cheung (NTHU)
Dr. Laurentiu Rodina (National Taiwan University) Carving out the geometry of effective field theories Prof. Kingman Cheung (NTHU)
Dr. Robert Perry (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University) A Preliminary Determination of the Second Mellin Moment of the Pion's LCDA using the HOPE Metho Dr. Girish Kumar (NTU)
Prof. Yuan-Hann Chang (ASIoP) The TASEH project: Search for micro-eV Axion dark matter with a Haloscope Dr. Girish Kumar (NTU)
Prof. Guey-Lin Lin (NYCU) Testing MSW effects in supernova neutrinos with large neutrino detectors Dr. Girish Kumar (NTU)
Ms. Shih-Wen Hor (The University of Tokyo) R-symmetric SU(5) Dr. Girish Kumar (NTU)