Gravothermal phase transition, black holes and space dimensionality

Time : 2022/09/22 (Thu.) 12:30
Title: Gravothermal phase transition, black holes and space dimensionality

In the framework of gravothermal evolution of an ideal monatomic fluid, I examine the dynamical instability of the fluid sphere in (N+1) dimensions by exploiting Chandrasekhar’s criterion to each quasi-static equilibrium along the sequence of the evolution. Once the instability is triggered, it would probably collapse into a black hole if no other interaction halts the process. From this viewpoint, the privilege of (3+1)-dimensional spacetime is manifest, as it is the marginal dimensionality in which the ideal monatomic fluid is stable but not too stable. Moreover, it is the unique dimensionality that allows stable hydrostatic equilibrium with positive cosmological constant.
While all higher dimensional (N>3) spheres are genuinely unstable. In contrast, in (2+1)-dimensional spacetime it is too stable either in the context of Newton’s theory of gravity or Einstein’s general relativity. The implications of spacetime dimensionality will be briefly discussed.