Seminars 專題演講

Event Date Speaker Title Host Notes
Prof. Makusu Tsutsui (Osaka University, Japan.) Single-molecule sequencing using nanopores and nanoelectrodes Prof. Yu-Chang Chen ※ Please register for lunch box before 2015/6/15(Mon.) Registration Website :
Dr. Richard Woodard (University of Florida) Electrodynamic Effects of Inflationary Gravitons Dr. Koyama Yoji (NCTS)
Mr. 鄭能哥(Ling Yun Junior High School) The application of ideas from physicsist to problems in market Prof. Hong-Yi Chen (NTNU)
Yun-Tsung, Lai (NTU) Search for $B^{0} \to p\bar{\Lambda}D^{(*)-} $ at Belle Dr. Yaun Chao (NTU)
Shu-Heng Shao (Harvard University) Indices and BPS Particles Dr. Joshua Qualls (NTU)
Prof. Yen-Lung Tsai (NCCU) From Python to Jupyter Prof. Ying-Jer Kao (NTU)
Dr. Masato Taki (iTHES Research Group, RIKEN) Tao Probing the End of the World Dr. Dharmesh Jain (NTU)
Prof. Chao-Cheng Kaun關肇正教授 (Academia Sinica, Research Center for Applied Sciences) Spin-polarized Transport through Single-molecule Magnetic Junctions Prof. Yu-Chang Chen Please register for lunch box before 2015/6/11(Thu.) Registration Website :
Dr. Takaaki Nomura (NCKU) Phenomenology of SU(2)_X Vector Dark Matter
Dr. Yuhsin Tsai (Department of Physics, UC Davis) Galactic Center Gamma Ray Excess through a Dark Shower. Prof. Kingman Cheung (NTHU)
Dr. Tsung-Che Liu (LeCosPA, NTU) The Extra High-energy Neutrino Experiment in Antarctica Dr. Ho-Chin Tsai (NTNU)
Dr. Toshifumi Yamada (NCU) Equal-velocity scenario for hiding supersymmetric top quark signals at the LHC Dr. Toshifumi Yamada (NCU)
Dr. Ming-Shien Chang (The Research Center for Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica) Manipulation of solid-state spins in diamonds for sensing applications and quantum optics studies Prof. Chih-Sung Chuu (NTHU)
Dr. Shou-Huang Dai (LeCosPa) The entanglement entropy of the gauge fields on the lattice Dr. Koyama Yoji (NCTS)
Prof. Chung-Lin Shan (Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Bayesian Reconstruction of the WIMP Velocity Distribution with a Non-Negligible Threshold Energy Dr. Yaun Chao (NTU)
Dr. Keisuke Izumi (LeCosPa) Application of the replica method to the lattice gauge field entanglement entropy Dr. Koyama Yoji (NCTS)
Dr. Yuto Ito (Korea Institute for Advanced Studies) Localization for BPS Black Hole Entropy Dr. Dharmesh Jain (NTU)
Dr. Chuck-Hou Yee (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA) Towards the ab initio design of correlated superconductors Prof. Hong-Yi Chen (NTNU)
Dr. Chuck-Hou Yee (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA) Towards the ab initio design of correlated superconductors Prof. Hong-Yi Chen (NTNU)
Prof. Yidong Chong (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) Electromagnetic network analogs of topological insulators Prof. Miguel A. Cazalilla (NTHU)