Stabilizing and destabilizing mechanisms of Kerr and Raman effects in broadband soliton-based fiber optics systems
We will develop a propagation model consisting of a system of N perturbed coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations, which takes into account second-order dispersion, Kerr nonlinearity, delayed Raman response, and frequency dependent linear gain-loss. We show that the main destabilizing mechanism at long distances is due to generation of radiative sidebands in the neighboring channels. The radiative sideband generation in a single fiber can be partially mitigated by the presence of frequency dependent linear gain-loss. We then investigate stabilization and destabilization of multichannel transmission in Kerr nonlinear waveguides in the absence of dispersion-management and filters. We show that there is an optimal value of the Kerr nonlinearity coefficient, which yields the longest stable propagation distance. Moreover, we demonstrate significant enhancement of transmission stability in waveguide couplers with frequency dependent linear loss via decay of radiative sidebands. Joint work with A. Peleg, D. Chakraborty, and T. Tran.