Manipulating superconducting tendency in ruthenates through strain-induced Fermi surface engineering

  • Event Date: 2015-07-14
  • Speaker: Dr. Yi-Ting Hsu (Cornell U., USA)  /  Host: Prof. Daw-Wei Wang (NTHU)
    Place: P512 of NCTS, 5F, 3rd General Building, Nat'l Tsing Hua Univ.

The transition temperature ($T_c$) of an unconventional superconductor is a non-universal quantity, and thus its change under experimental manipulation is generally hard to predict.  The $T_c$ of the leading candidate for topological superconductors $\rm{Sr_2RuO_4}$ is low, but it has been observed to be sensitive to various types of strain. Inspired by theoretical attentions on the importance of fermiology in superconducting properties, we study how various straining conditions affect pairing channels and tendencies through fermiology.
Our approach is to perform a renormalization group(RG) study with an input of bandstructure obtained from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy(ARPES) data and density functional theory(DFT) calculation. We first examine the method by studying the uniaxial strain effects on $\rm{Sr_2RuO_4}$ to compare with recent experimental data.