Seminars 專題演講

Event Date Speaker Title Host Notes
Dr. Sasun Gevorkian (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica) The concept of protein machine Prof. C. K. Hu (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)
Chrysostomos Kalousios (ICTP-SAIFR, Sao Paulo) Scattering amplitudes from the scattering equations
Dr. Chrysostomos Kalousios (ICTP-SAIFR, Sao Paulo) Comments of the scattering equations Dr. Tadashi Okazaki (NTU)
Dr. Carlos Cardona (NCTS) Deforming CFT_2 on a symmetric product and pulsating strings Dr. Koyama Yoji (NCTS)
Dr. Nguyen Minh Quan (Vietnam National University) Stabilizing and destabilizing mechanisms of Kerr and Raman effects in broadband soliton-based fiber optics systems Ray-Kuang Lee
Dr. Theodoros Papadopoulos (University of Chester) Organic optoelectronic devices: modeling of charge transfer in metal/organic and metal-oxide/organic interfaces Prof. Shu-Jung Tang (NTHU)
Dr. Theodoros Papadopoulos (Dept. of Natural Sciences, Univ. of Chester, UK) Organic optoelectronic devices: Modeling of exciton transport in pi-conjugated materials and charge transfer in organic/inorganic interfaces Prof. Guang-Yu Guo (NTU)
Dr. Tadashi Okazaki (NTU) Membrane Superconformal Quantum Mechanics Dr. Koyama, Yoji (NTHU)
Prof. Zuowei Liu (Tsinghua University) Atomic dark matter: direct detection, self interaction and the 3.5 keV X-ray excess Prof. Cheng-Pang Liu (NDHU)
Prof. Daisuke Sato (Dept. of Pharmacology, UC Davis, USA) Chance and Necessity: Does flickering of an ion channel set off ventricular fibrillation in tissue? Prof. Kuo-An Wu (NTHU)
Dr. Wei-Chih Huang (University College London, Department of Physics and Astronomy). Falsifying High-Scale Baryogenesis with Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and Lepton Flavor Violation. Prof. Kingman Cheung (NTHU)
Dr. Yi-Ting Hsu (Cornell U., USA) Manipulating superconducting tendency in ruthenates through strain-induced Fermi surface engineering Prof. Daw-Wei Wang (NTHU)
Prof. Yung-Jen Chuang (Dept. of Medical Science & Inst. of Bioinformatics and Structural Biology NTHU) How to heal a broken heart ? - from bioinformatics to electrophysiological approach Prof. Hsuan-Yi Chen
Prof. Michael Chapman (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) Strongly Interacting Spin-1 Bose-Einstein Condensate Prof. Daw-Wei Wang
Prof. Bo Ning (Sichuan University) Renyi Entropy in Chern-Simons Formulation Dr. Dharmesh Jain (NTU)
Dr. Noburo Shiba (YITP) On the definition of entanglement entropy in lattice gauge theories Dr. Dharmesh Jain (NTU)
Dr. Joshua D. Qualls (Condensed Matter Sciences Center and Physics Department, NTU.) Concepts in Conformal Field Theory (8)
Prof. Godfrey Gumbs (Hunter College,CUNY) Small is different: Electron Dynamics at surfaces and Nanostructures Miguel A. Cazalilla
Dr. Qing He (Department of Physics, Durham University, UK) Retention Free Ferroelectric BiFeO3 mesocrystal (II) Prof. Hong-Yi Chen (NTNU)
Jung Chang (NTHU) An Exploratory study of Higgs-boson pair production Dr. Ya-Juan Zheng (NTU)