Resonant Primordial Gravitational Waves Amplification

  • Event Date: 2015-10-05
  • Particle/String/Cosmology
  • Speaker: Dr. Chunshan Lin (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics)  /  Host: Prof. Chong-Sun Chu (NTHU)
    Place: P512 of NCTS, 5F, 3rd General Building, Nat'l Tsing Hua Univ.


In my talk I will introduce a mechanism to evade the Lyth bound in models of inflation. We minimally extend the conventional single-field inflation model in general relativity (GR) to a theory with non-vanishing graviton mass in the very early universe. The modification primarily affects the tensor perturbation, while the scalar and vector perturbations are the same as the ones in GR with a single scalar field at least at the level of linear perturbation theory. During the reheating stage, the graviton mass oscillates coherently and leads to resonant amplification of the primordial tensor perturbation. After reheating the graviton mass vanishes and we recover GR.