Seminars 專題演講

Event Date Speaker Title Host Notes
Prof. Chien-Sheng Chen (Institute of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics Department of Biomedical Science and Engineering, National Central University) Genome-wide protein interactome studies using E. coli, yeast and proteome microarrays Prof. Chen-Hsiang Yang (AS)
Dr. Mu-Jie Huang (Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto, Canada) Collective dynamics of diffusiophoretic motors moving on a filament track Prof. Hsuan-Yi Chen (NCU)
Dr. Rodrigo Aldecoa (Northeastern University, USA) Underlying geometry of complex networks Prof. Chung-Chuan Lo (Institute of Bioinformatics & Structural Biology, NTHU)
Prof. Hsuan-Cheng Huang (Director, Institute of Biomedical Informatics, National Yang-Ming University) Phylogenetic stratification of human cellular networks Dr. Chun-Chung Chen (AS)
Dr. Ming-Der Shih (Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica) Seed - structure, physiology, and storage Prof. C. K. Hu (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)
Dr. Natália Tomašovičová (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia) Structural transitions in ferronematics - nematic liquid crystals doped with magnetic nanoparticles Prof. C. K. Hu (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)
Dr. Sasun Gevorkian (Institute of Physics of Academia Sinica) Application of light pressure in the rheology of biopolymers Prof. C. K. Hu (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)
Prof. Ten-Ming Wu (Institute of Physics, National Chiao-Tung University) OH-bond reorientation in water over short to intermediate timescales Prof. C. K. Hu (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)
Mr. Nguyen Truong Co (Institute for Computational Science and Technology, Vietnam) Role of template fluctuation and critical nucleus in fibril formation of proteins: Insights from simulations Prof. C. K. Hu (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)
Dr. Mai Suan Li (Institute of Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland) In silico and in vitro search of potential drugs for Alzheimer’s disease Prof. C. K. Hu (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)
Dr. Sasun Gevorkian (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica) The concept of protein machine Prof. C. K. Hu (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)
Prof. Daisuke Sato (Dept. of Pharmacology, UC Davis, USA) Chance and Necessity: Does flickering of an ion channel set off ventricular fibrillation in tissue? Prof. Kuo-An Wu (NTHU)
Prof. Yung-Jen Chuang (Dept. of Medical Science & Inst. of Bioinformatics and Structural Biology NTHU) How to heal a broken heart ? - from bioinformatics to electrophysiological approach Prof. Hsuan-Yi Chen
Prof. Lee-Wei Yang (Institute of Bioinformatics and Structural Biology, NTHU) Time-(in)dependent linear response theories describing ligand-induced protein conformational changes and allosteric mutants' impacts on enzymes' catalysis Prof. Kuo-An Wu (NTHU)
Prof. Jiang, Hong-Ren 江宏仁教授 (Institute of Applied Mechanics, NTU) Colloids under electric field and thermal gradient Hsuan-Yi Chen (NCU)
Dr. Karen Petrosyan (AS) Stochastic gene expression: Fluctuation effects in gene regulation by microRNAs and correlations between gene and pseudogene mRNAs Prof. Chin-Kun Hu (AS)
Prof. Wen-Jong Ma (Institute of Applied Physics, Nat'l Chengchi Univ.) Statistical mechanics in a quasi-steady non-equilibrium situation of polymer chains Prof. Chin-Kun Hu (AS)
Prof. Fa-Yueh Wu (Department of Physics, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts) The Virial Expansion Re-visited: A New Interpretation Prof. Chin-Kun Hu (AS)
Prof. Jen-Hsu Chang (National University of Defense Technology) Resonance of Solitons in the Novikov-Veselov Equation
Prof. Chi-Tin Shih (Department of Applied Physics, Tunghai University) Connectomics-Based Analysis of Information Flow in the Drosophila Brain