Precision Medicine
Recently President Obama announced the Precision Medicine Initiative of the National Institutes of Health, which should impact the general biomedical research around the world. I would describe first briefly an exome approach on NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) variations, and next a knowledge-based approach in Science Translational Medicine 2014. Finally, I would report on some results in my lab on diagnosis, therapy and prognosis.
1. Precision Medicine, hite House Press Release, 2015.
2. T. Zemojtel, et al, Sci Transl Med 6, 252ra123 (2014).
3. Wen-Chin Hsu,Chan-Cheng Liu, Fu Chang, and Su-Shing Chen: Selecting Genes for Cancer ClassificationUsing SVM: An Adaptive Multiple FeaturesScheme, International Journal of Intelligence Systems 28, 1196 (2013).