[NTU-NCTS String Seminar] Quench and Floquet Dynamics near Critical Points

  • Event Date: 2024-06-03
  • High energy theory
  • Speaker: Sumit Das (Kentucky University)  /  Host: Prof. Yu-tin Huang
    Place: Rm. 815, Dept. of Physics, NTU

Title:Quench and Floquet Dynamics near Critical Points
Speaker:Sumit Das (Kentucky University)
Date:2024/06/03 (Mon.)

Study of quantum field theories subject to external time dependent drives has led to useful insight into non-equilibrium physics. This is particularly interesting near criticality, where the response exhibits universal features. When the drive is periodic in time one can get novel dynamical phases and phase transitions. In this talk I will discuss a scheme to exactly analyze conformal field theories in arbitrary dimensions with square pulse periodic deformations. We present explicit results for two, three and four dimensions. These systems exhibit interesting phase structures which are not present in equilibrium, with "heating" phases which retain memory of inhomogeneities and oscillatory phases where the response is periodic with a different period. We comment on implications of this in holography.