[NTU-NCTS String Seminar] 3d Massive Double Copy and Minitwistor Space

  • Event Date: 2022-10-21
  • High Energy Physics and Astrophysics
  • Speaker: Dr. Justinas Rumbutis  /  Host: Prof. Yu-tin Huang (NTU)
    Place: Rm. 815, Dept. of Physics, NTU

Title: [NTU-NCTS String Seminar] 3d Massive Double Copy and Minitwistor Space
Speaker: Dr. Justinas Rumbutis
Time: Oct. 21, 2022 (Fri.) 14:30-15:30
Venue: Rm. 815, Dept. of Physics, NTU

​​​​​​​Recently there has been several attempts to relate massive gauge and gravity theories by double copy. While in d>3 such theories are strongly constrained and the only known examples are Kaluza-Klein theories, it has been found that in 3d topologically massive gauge and gravity theories are related by double copy. In this talk I will describe the relations between classical solutions in these theories and their possible origin using ideas from twistor theory.