
Category Title Event Date
Seminars Search for quantum spin liquid phases with accurate material-specific effective model Hamiltonians
Seminars NCTS Math-Phys Joint Machine Learning Seminar (online)
Seminars Application of tensor networks to data completion and compression.
Seminars Meson formation in doped antiferromagnets: From dynamics to pairing
Seminars NCTS Math-Phys Machine Learning Seminar
Seminars Exploring Quantum Phases of Matter on Quantum Processors
Seminars Quantum many-body dynamics in two dimensions with artificial neural networks
Conferences 2022 NCTS Math-Phys Joint Workshop on Machine Learning
Seminars Nonperturbative RG flow and IR effective action of the O(N) vector model
Seminars Fermionic neural-network quantum states
Schools Parallel Finite Element Method using Supercomputer
Conferences 2021 The NCTS international summer school and workshop on emergent quantum many-body phenomena
Seminars Resolving the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in the 2D XY model with tensor-network based level spectroscopy
Seminars Resolving the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in the 2D XY model with tensor-network based level spectroscopy 
Seminars Variational Neural Annealing
Seminars Finite-entanglement scaling functions at quantum critical points
Conferences Workshop on Non-equilibrium Systems and Machine Learning
Seminars R-symmetric SU(5)