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Yang Yi;Lee Jen-Chi |
Yang Yi;Lee Jen-Chi, Regge closed string scattering and its implication on fixed angle closed string scattering, Phys. Lett. B687, 84-88, 2010 |
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U. Raha , H. Kohyama |
U. Raha , H. Kohyama, Space and time like electromagnetic kaon form factors, Phys. Rev. D 82, 114012, 2010 |
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John Ellis, Jae Sik Lee and Apostolos Pilaftsis |
John Ellis, Jae Sik Lee and Apostolos Pilaftsis, A geometric approach to CP violation: applications to the MCPMFV SUSY model, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 10, 049, 2010 |
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Lee, Lu-Yun; Cheung, Kingman; Lin, Chia-Min |
Lee, Lu-Yun; Cheung, Kingman; Lin, Chia-Min, COMMENTS ON SUSY INFLATION MODELS ON THE BRANE, MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, Vol. 25, No. 24 : pp. 2105-2110, 2010 |
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Chia-Min Lin, Kingman Cheung |
Chia-Min Lin, Kingman Cheung, SUPERNATURAL A-TERM INFLATION, MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, A25, 1425-1429, 2010 |
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Chiang, C; Senaha, E |
Chiang, C; Senaha, E, Electroweak phase transitions in the secluded U(1)'-extended MSSM, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 06, 030, 2010 |
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John Ellis, Robert N. Hodgkinson, Jae Sik Lee and Apostolos Pilaftsis |
John Ellis, Robert N. Hodgkinson, Jae Sik Lee and Apostolos Pilaftsis, Flavour geometry and effective Yukawa couplings in the MSSM, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 02, 016, 2010 |
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Lee Jae Sik; Cheung Kingman; Hou Tie-Jiun; Senaha Eibun, Chiang Cheng-Wei et al. |
Lee Jae Sik; Cheung Kingman; Hou Tie-Jiun; Senaha Eibun, Chiang Cheng-Wei et al., Higgs boson sector of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model with CP violation, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 82, 075007, 2010 |
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Lee Jae Sik; Jung Dong-Won; Kong Otto C. W.; |
Lee Jae Sik; Jung Dong-Won; Kong Otto C. W.;, Holomorphic supersymmetric Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with application to dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 81, 031701(R), 2010 |
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Hirayama Takayuki; Hashimoto Koji; Hong Deog Ki |
Hirayama Takayuki; Hashimoto Koji; Hong Deog Ki, Quark mass dependence of the hadron spectrum in holographic QCD, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 81, 045016, 2010 |
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Abdesslam Arhrib, Rachid Benbrik, Kingman Cheung, Tzu-Chiang Yuan |
Abdesslam Arhrib, Rachid Benbrik, Kingman Cheung, Tzu-Chiang Yuan, Higgs boson enhancement effects on squark-pair production at the LHC, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 02, 048, 2010 |
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Chien-Ho Chen, Kazuyuki Furuuchi, Pei-Ming Ho, Tomohisa Takimi |
Chien-Ho Chen, Kazuyuki Furuuchi, Pei-Ming Ho, Tomohisa Takimi, More on the Nambu-Poisson M5-brane theory: scaling limit, background independence and an all order solution to the Seiberg-Witten map, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 1010, 100, 2010 |
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Kohyama Hiroaki;Chen Jiunn-Wei; Fukushima Kenji; et al. |
Kohyama Hiroaki;Chen Jiunn-Wei; Fukushima Kenji; et al., Space- and time-like electromagnetic pion form factors in light-cone pQCD, PHYSICS LETTERS B, , 2010 |
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Chen Chuan-Hung; Kim C. S. |
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Lee Jae Sik; Jung Dong-Won; Ko P. ,Soo-hyeon Nam et al. |
Lee Jae Sik; Jung Dong-Won; Ko P. ,Soo-hyeon Nam et al., Model independent analysis of the forward-backward asymmetry of top quark production at the Tevatron, Phys.Lett. B691, 238-242, 2010 |