Publications 1997-2020

1531 2010 Yang Yi;Lee Jen-Chi Yang Yi;Lee Jen-Chi, Regge closed string scattering and its implication on fixed angle closed string scattering, Phys. Lett. B687, 84-88, 2010
1532 2010 U. Raha , H. Kohyama U. Raha , H. Kohyama, Space and time like electromagnetic kaon form factors, Phys. Rev. D 82, 114012, 2010
1533 2010 John Ellis, Jae Sik Lee and Apostolos Pilaftsis John Ellis, Jae Sik Lee and Apostolos Pilaftsis, A geometric approach to CP violation: applications to the MCPMFV SUSY model, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 10, 049, 2010
1534 2010 Lee, Lu-Yun; Cheung, Kingman; Lin, Chia-Min Lee, Lu-Yun; Cheung, Kingman; Lin, Chia-Min, COMMENTS ON SUSY INFLATION MODELS ON THE BRANE, MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, Vol. 25, No. 24 : pp. 2105-2110, 2010
1535 2010 Chia-Min Lin, Kingman Cheung Chia-Min Lin, Kingman Cheung, SUPERNATURAL A-TERM INFLATION, MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, A25, 1425-1429, 2010
1536 2010 Chiang, C; Senaha, E Chiang, C; Senaha, E, Electroweak phase transitions in the secluded U(1)'-extended MSSM, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 06, 030, 2010
1537 2010 John Ellis, Robert N. Hodgkinson, Jae Sik Lee and Apostolos Pilaftsis John Ellis, Robert N. Hodgkinson, Jae Sik Lee and Apostolos Pilaftsis, Flavour geometry and effective Yukawa couplings in the MSSM, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 02, 016, 2010
1538 2010 Lee Jae Sik; Cheung Kingman; Hou Tie-Jiun; Senaha Eibun, Chiang Cheng-Wei et al. Lee Jae Sik; Cheung Kingman; Hou Tie-Jiun; Senaha Eibun, Chiang Cheng-Wei et al., Higgs boson sector of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model with CP violation, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 82, 075007, 2010
1539 2010 Lee Jae Sik; Jung Dong-Won; Kong Otto C. W.; Lee Jae Sik; Jung Dong-Won; Kong Otto C. W.;, Holomorphic supersymmetric Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with application to dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 81, 031701(R), 2010
1540 2010 Hirayama Takayuki; Hashimoto Koji; Hong Deog Ki Hirayama Takayuki; Hashimoto Koji; Hong Deog Ki, Quark mass dependence of the hadron spectrum in holographic QCD, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 81, 045016, 2010
1541 2010 Abdesslam Arhrib, Rachid Benbrik, Kingman Cheung, Tzu-Chiang Yuan Abdesslam Arhrib, Rachid Benbrik, Kingman Cheung, Tzu-Chiang Yuan, Higgs boson enhancement effects on squark-pair production at the LHC, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 02, 048, 2010
1542 2010 Chien-Ho Chen, Kazuyuki Furuuchi, Pei-Ming Ho, Tomohisa Takimi Chien-Ho Chen, Kazuyuki Furuuchi, Pei-Ming Ho, Tomohisa Takimi, More on the Nambu-Poisson M5-brane theory: scaling limit, background independence and an all order solution to the Seiberg-Witten map, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 1010, 100, 2010
1543 2010 Kohyama Hiroaki;Chen Jiunn-Wei; Fukushima Kenji; et al. Kohyama Hiroaki;Chen Jiunn-Wei; Fukushima Kenji; et al., Space- and time-like electromagnetic pion form factors in light-cone pQCD, PHYSICS LETTERS B, , 2010
1544 2010 Chen Chuan-Hung; Kim C. S. Chen Chuan-Hung; Kim C. S., Sommerfeld enhancement from unparticle exchange for dark matter annihilation, Phys.Lett. B687, 232-235, 2010
1545 2010 Lee Jae Sik; Jung Dong-Won; Ko P. ,Soo-hyeon Nam et al. Lee Jae Sik; Jung Dong-Won; Ko P. ,Soo-hyeon Nam et al., Model independent analysis of the forward-backward asymmetry of top quark production at the Tevatron, Phys.Lett. B691, 238-242, 2010