Particle/String/Cosmology Publications

201 De Martino, Ivan; Broadhurst, Tom; Tye, S. -H. Henry; et al., Recognizing Axionic Dark Matter by Compton and de Broglie Scale Modulation of Pulsar Timing, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Volume: 119, Issue: 22, 221103, 2017
202 Geng, Chao-Qiang; Huang, Da; Lee, Chun-Hao, Exothermic dark matter with light mediator after LUX and PandaX-II in 2016, PHYSICS OF THE DARK UNIVERSE, Volume: 18, 38-46, 2017
203 Brevik, Iver; Gron, Oyvind; de Haro, Jaume; et al., Viscous cosmology for early- and late-time universe, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D, Volume: 26, Issue: 14, Article Number:, 1730024, 2017
204 Ko, P.; Nomura, Takaaki; Okada, Hiroshi, A flavor dependent gauge symmetry, predictive radiative seesaw and LHCb anomalies, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Volume: 772, 547-552, 2017
205 He, Xiao-Gang; Li, Siao-Fong; Ren, Bo; et al., Tests for CPT sum rule and U-spin violation in time-dependent CP violation of B-s(0) -> K+K- and B-0 -> pi(+)pi(-), PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Volume: 96, Issue: 5, 053004, 2017
206 Yoon, Yeo Woong; Cheung, Kingman; Kang, Sin Kyu; et al., Radiative decays of a singlet scalar boson through vectorlike quarks, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Volume: 96, Issue: 5, 055041, 2017
207 Ishida, Hiroyuki; Matsuzaki, Shinya; Yamaguchi, Yuya, Bosonic-seesaw portal dark matter, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS, Issue: 10, 103B01, 2017
208 Das, Arindam; Nomura, Takaaki; Okada, Hiroshi; et al., Generation of a radiative neutrino mass in the linear seesaw framework, charged lepton flavor violation, and dark matter, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Volume: 96, Issue: 7, 075001, 2017
209 Chang, Jung; Cheung, Kingman; Ishida, Hiroyuki; et al., A super symmetric electroweak scale seesaw model, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, Issue: 10, 039, 2017
210 Giataganas, Dimitrios; Zoubos, Konstantinos, Non-integrability and chaos with unquenched flavor, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, Issue: 10, 042, 2017