Particle/String/Cosmology Publications

Tan, Hai Siong
, Tidal Love numbers of braneworld black holes and wormholes
, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Volume: 102, Issue: 4, 44061, 2020
Geng, Chao-Qiang; Liu, Chia-Wei; Tsai, Tien-Hsueh
, Nonleptonic two-body weak decays of Lambda(b) in a modified MIT bag model
, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Volume: 102, Issue: 3, 34033, 2020
Chu, Chong-Sun; Miao, Rong-Xin
, Fermion condensation induced by the Weyl anomaly
, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Volume: 102, Issue: 4 , 46011, 2020
Antipin, Oleg; Bersini, Jahmall; Sannino, Francesco; et al.
, Charging the O(N) model
, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Volume:102, Issue: 4 , 45011, 2020
Huang, Yu-tin; Kol, Uri; OConnell, Donal
, Double copy of electric-magnetic duality
, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Volume:102, Issue: 4, 46005, 2020
He, Xiao-Gang; Ma, Xiao-Dong; Tandean, Jusak; et al.
, Evading the Grossman-Nir bound with I=3/2 new physics
Geng, C. Q.; Ng, John N.
, Consequences of neutrinoless double decays dominated by short ranged interactions
, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Volume: 102, Issue:1 , 13004, 2020
Chu, Chong-Sun; Soda, Jiro; Yoshida, Daiske
, Gravitational Waves in Axion Dark Matter
, UNIVERSE, Volume: 6, Issue:  7, 89, 2020
Geng, Chao-Qiang; Kuan, Hao-Jui; Luo, Ling-Wei
, Viable constraint on scalar field in scalar-tensor theory
, CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY, Volume: 37, Issue: 11, 115001 
, 2020
Sato, Yoshiki, Boundary entropy under ambient RG flow in the AdS/BCFT model
, PHYSICAL REVIEW D,  Volume: 101, Issue:  12 , 126004 , 2020