AMO/QIS/CMT Publications

611 Horng-Tay Jeng, G. Y. Guo, First-principles investigations of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy in strained Co-substituted magnetite (CoFe2O4), Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 239, Issues 1-3, Pages 88-90, 2002
612 Liang, SD; Lee, TK, Magnetic polarization induced by nonmagnetic impurities in high-Tc cuprates, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 65, 214529, 2002
613 Li DP; Rosenstein B, Melting of the vortex lattice in high-T-c superconductors, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 65, 220504(R), 2002
614 Li DP; Rosenstein B, Thermal fluctuation correction to magnetization and specific heat of vortex solids in type-II superconductors, PHYSICAL REVIEW B,, VOLUME 65, 024514, 2002
615 Nie,Y. M. ; Hsiao,P. Y. ; Chiang,Y. F. ; Lee,T. K., Specific heat anomaly for a layer antiferromagnet, Chinese Journal of Physics, 606-618, 2001
616 Yuo-Hsien Shiau and Chin-Kun Hu, Pattern competition in the photorefractive semiconductors, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, Volume: 70 Issue: 12 Pages: 3636-3640, 2001
617 Dingping Li and Baruch Rosenstein, Precision calculation of magnetization and specific heat of vortex liquids and solids in type-II superconductors, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 86, 3618–3621, 2001
618 Zhang C, Resonant tunneling and bistability in a double barrier structure under an intense terahertz laser, Appl. Phys. Lett., 78, 4187, 2001
619 Lin JT; Jiang TF, Photodissociation of H-2(+) in intense chirped laser fields, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 63, 013408, 2001
620 An NB, Multi-directional higher-order amplitude squeezing, PHYSICS LETTERS A, , 2001