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Jeng HT; Guo GY; Huang DJ, Charge-orbital ordering and verwey transition in magnetite, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, , 2004 |
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X. M. TONG and C. D. LIN, How to read a molecular clock with sub-femtosecond accuracy, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 18, 1659, 2004 |
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Chang CH; Mal'shukov AG; Chao KA, Spin transmission through quantum dots with strong spin-orbit interaction, PHYSICS LETTERS A, , 2004 |
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D.J. HuangCorresponding author contact information, a, b, E-mail the corresponding author, C.F. Changa, J. Chenc, H.-J. Lina, S.C. Chunga, H.-T. Jengd, G.Y. Guoa, e, W.B. Wua, b, S.G. Shyuf, g, C.T. Chen, Orbital moments of CrO2 and Fe3O4 studied by MCD in soft X-ray absorption, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, Volumes 137–140, Pages 633-639, 2004 |
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Chung SW; Tang CS; Chu CS; et al., Finger-gate array quantum pumps: Pumping characteristics and mechanisms, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 70, 085315, 2004 |
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Kakehashi Y; Fulde P, Self-consistent projection operator approach to excitation spectra: Role of correlated wave function, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 70, 155112, 2004 |
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Chang CH; Mal'shukov AG; Chao KA, Spin relaxation dynamics of quasiclassical electrons in ballistic quantum dots with strong spin-orbit coupling, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 70, 245309, 2004 |
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Lin Chii-Dong; Tong XM, Propensity rule for novel selective double photoexcitation of helium atoms in strong static electric fields, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, , 2004 |