AMO/QIS/CMT Publications

351 Chun-Chung Chen and David Jasnow, Event-driven simulations of a plastic, spiking neural network, Phys. Rev. E 84, 31908, 2011
352 Guang-Yin Chen, Neill Lambert, Chung-Hsien Chou, Yueh-Nan Chen*, and Franco Nori, Surface plasmons in a metal nanowire coupled to colloidal quantum dots: Scattering properties and quantum entanglement, Phys. Rev. B, 84, 045310, 2011
353 B. Wunsch, N. T. Zinner, I. B. Mekhov, S.-J. Huang, D.-W. Wang, and E. Demler, Few-Body Bound States in Dipolar Gases and Their Detection, Phys. Rev. Lett, 107, 073201, 2011
354 Rosenstein B.; Shapiro I.; Deutch E.; et al., Microwave absorption in the cores of Abrikosov vortices pinned by artificial insulator inclusion, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 84, 134521, 2011
355 Shin-Ming Huang and Chung- Yu Mou, Effective tight-binding model for the iron-vacancy-ordered AyFe1.6Se2, Phys. Rev. B, 84, 184521, 2011
356 Chang, Ching-Ray; Chang, Jui-Hang; Chen, Hao-Hsuan; et al., Phase locking of dynamical modes in a nanomagnetic oscillator with a circularly spin-polarized current, PHYSICAL REVIEW B , 84, 054457, 2011
357 M. Lewkowicz, H. C. Kao, and B. Rosenstein, Signature of the Schwinger pair creation rate via radiation generated in graphene by a strong electric current, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Volume: 84 Issue: 3 Article Number: 035414, 2011
358 J.C. Tung and G.Y. Guo, An ab initio study of the magnetic and electronic properties of Fe, Co, and Ni nanowires on Cu(001) surface, Computer Physics Communications, 182 (2011) 84–86, 2011
359 T.-W. Chen, Z.-R. Xiao, D.-W. Chiou, and G. Y. Guo, High Chern number quantum anomalous Hall phases in single-layer graphene with Haldane orbital coupling, Phys Rev B., 84, 165453, 2011
360 W. T. Chen, C. J. Chen, P. C. Wu, S. Sun, L. Zhou, G. Y. Guo, C. T. Hsiao, K.-Y. Yang, N.I.Zheludev and D. P. Tsai, Optical magnetic response in three-dimensional metamaterial of upright plasmonic meta-molecules, Optics Express, 19, 12837, 2011