AMO/QIS/CMT Publications

341 Shulin Sun, Qiong He Shiyi Xiao, Qin Xu, Xin Li and Lei Zhou, Gradient-index meta-surfaces as a bridge linking propagating waves and surface waves, NATURE MATERIALS, 11, 426-431, 2012
342 Vasily Klimov, Shulin Sun, and Guang-Yu Guo, Coherent perfect nanoabsorbers based on negative refraction, OPTICS EXPRESS, Volume: 20 Issue: 12 Pages: 13071-13081, 2012
343 Chen, Che Chin; Hsiao, Chih Ting; Sun, Shulin; et al., Fabrication of three dimensional split ring resonators by stress-driven assembly method, OPTICS EXPRESS, Volume: 20 Issue: 9, 2012
344 D. B. Saakian, Directed random walks on hierarchical trees with continuous branching:A renormalization group approach, Phys. Rev. E, 85, 011109, 2012
345 Rosenstein B.; Shapiro I.; Shapiro B. Ya., Transport current carrying superconducting film with periodic pinning array under strong magnetic fields, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 83, 064512, 2011
346 Chen, Guang-Yin; Lambert, Neill; Chou, Chung-Hsien; et al., Surface plasmons in a metal nanowire coupled to colloidal quantum dots: Scattering properties and quantum entanglement, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 84.04531, 2011
347 Chen, Wei Ting; Chen, Chen Jung; Wu, Pin Chieh; et al., Optical magnetic response in three-dimensional metamaterial of upright plasmonic meta-molecules, OPTICS EXPRESS, Volume: 19 Issue: 13 Pages: 12837-12842, 2011
348 Hong-Bin Chen, Guang-Yin Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen, Retardation effects in quantum dot systems coupled via one-dimensional waveguides, Opt. Comm., 284, 4529-4534, 2011
349 C.-H. Yang, C.-L. Hsu, N.-Y. Chen, and C.-T. Shih., Temporal Dynamics of Site Percolation in Nanoparticle Assemblies, Comp. Phys. Commu. 182, 71, 2011
350 Jiun-Yi Lien, Yueh-Nan Chen and Chung-Hsien Chou, Detecting quantum phase transitions of photons through a defect cavity, New J. Phys., 13, 083036, 2011