AMO/QIS/CMT Publications

331 Guang-Yin Chen, Che-Ming Li, and Yueh-Nan Chen, Generating maximum entanglement under asymmetric couplings to surface plasmons,, Opt. Lett., 37, 1337-1339, 2012
332 B. Hwang and H.-S. Goan, Optimal control for non-Markovian open quantum systems,, Phys. Rev. A., 85, 032321, 2012
333 O. Jonasson, C.-S. Tang, H.-S. Goan and V. Gudmundsson, Quantum magneto-electrodynamics of electrons embedded in a photon cavity,, New J. Phys., 14, 013036, 2012
334 V. Gudmundsson, O. Jonasson, C.-S. Tang, H.-S. Goan and A. Manolescu, Time-dependent transport of electrons through a photon cavity,, Phys. Rev. B, 85, 075306, 2012
335 D. B. Saakian, Markov-switching multifractal models as another class of random-energy-like models in one-dimensional space, Phys. Rev. E 85, 31142, 2012
336 Bor-Luen Huang, Ming-Che Chang, Chung-Yu Mou, Persistent currents in a graphene ring with armchair edges, J. Phys: Condens. Matter, 24, 245304, 2012
337 Chen, Che Chin; Hsiao, Chih Ting; Sun, Shulin; et al., Fabrication of three dimensional split ring resonators by stress-driven assembly method, OPTICS EXPRESS, Volume: 20 Issue: 9, 2012
338 Chung Ming-Chiang; Cazalilla Miguel A.; Iucci Anibal, Thermalization and quantum correlations in exactly solvable models, Phys. Rev. E, 85, 011133, 2012
339 Huang Wen-Min; Cai Yi wei; Lin Hsiu-Hau, Renormalization-group exponents for superconducting phases in two-leg ladders, Phys. Rev. B, 85, 134502, 2012
340 Chung Ming-Chiang; Chen Pochung; Xue Zhi-Long; McCulloch I. P.; et al., Dimerized and trimerized phases for spin-2 bosons in a one-dimensional optical lattice, Phys. Rev. A, 85, 011601, 2012