AMO/QIS/CMT Publications

321 F. Kämpfer, B. Bessire, M. Wirz, C. P. Hofmann, F.-J. Jiang*, and U.-J. Wiese, Systematic low-energy effective field theory for magnons and holes in an anti- ferromagnet on the honeycomb lattice, Phys. Rev. B 85, 75123, 2012
322 F.-J. Jiang*, Monte Carlo simulations of an unconventional phase transition for a two-dimensional dimerized quantum Heisenberg model, Phys. Rev. B 85, 14414, 2012
323 S.-J. Huang*, Y. - T. Hsu, H. Lee, Y.-C. Chen, A.G. Volosniev, N.T. Zinner, and D.-W. Wang, Field-induced long-lived supermolecules, Phys. Rev. A, 85, 055601, 2012
324 C.-H. Wang, T.-M. Hong, R.-K. Lee*, and D.-W. Wang, Particle-wave duality in quantum tunneling of a bright soliton, Opt. Exp., 20, 22675-22682, 2012
325 Jhih-Shih You, Hao Lee, Shiang Fang, Miguel A. Cazalilla, and Daw-Wei Wang, Tuning the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to zero temperature in Anisotropic Boson Systems, Phys Rev A, 86, 043612, 2012
326 Chen, CC; Hsiao, CT Sun, SL; Yang, KY Wu, PC Chen, WT Tang, YH; Chau, YF Plum, E; Guo, GY Zheludev, NI Tsai, DP, Fabrication of three dimensional split ring resonators by stress-driven assembly method, Optics Express, Vol. 20 Issue 9, pp.9415-9420, 2012
327 C. Trallero-Giner, V. Lopez-Richard, N. Nurez-Fernadez, M. Oliva and M.-C. Chung, Superfluidity and collective oscillations of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates in a periodical potential, Eur. Phys. J. D, 66, 177, 2012
328 H. H. Jen, Xiong Bo, Ite A. Yu, Daw-Wei Wang, Electromagnetic induced transparency and slow light in interacting quantum degenerate atomic gases, arXiv: (accepted by Phys. Rev. A), 1208. 0118, 2012
329 M.-C. Chung, M.A. Cazalilla and A. Iucci, Thermalization in Systems with Bipartite Eigenmode Entanglement, New. J. Phys., 14, 075013, 2012
330 Guang-Yin Chen and Yueh-Nan Chen*, Correspondence between entanglement and Fano resonance of surface plasmons,, Opt. Lett., 37, 4023-4025, 2012