AMO/QIS/CMT Publications

291 Huazhou Wei, Sung-Po Chao, Odd parity superconductivity in Weyl semimetals, Vivek Aji, arXiv, 1305. 7233, 2013
292 Ming-Chiang Chung, Yi-Hao Jhu, Pochung Chen and Chung-Yu Mou, Quench dynamics of topological maximally entangled states, J. of Phys. Conden.Matter, 25, 285601, 2013
293 Xiao-Yong Feng, Jianhui Dai, Chung-Hou Chung, Qimiao Si, Competing Topological and Kondo Insulator Phases on a Honeycomb Lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett., 111, 016402, 2013
294 Pochung Chen, Zhi-long Xue, I. P. McCulloch, Ming-Chiang Chung, Miguel Cazalilla, S.-K. Yip, Entanglement entropy scaling of the XXZ chain, JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT, P10007, 2013
295 TY Liu and CH Chang, The defect effects on the signal transport of an excitable soft cable, New J. of Phys., 15, 035018, 2013
296 Chung-Hou Chung, Karyn Le Hur, Gleb Finkelstein, Matthias Vojta, Peter Woelfle, Nonequilibrium quantum transport through a dissipative resonant level, Phys. Rev. B, 87, 245310, 2013
297 Sun, Shulin; Chen, Hung-Ting; Zheng, Wei-Jin; et al., Dispersion relation, propagation length and mode conversion of surface plasmon polaritons in silver double-nanowire systems, OPTICS EXPRESS, 14591-14605, 2013
298 H. H. Jen and Daw-Wei Wang, Theory of electromagnetically induced transparency in strongly correlated quantum gases, Phys. Rev. A, 87, 061802, 2013
299 Huang, Shang-Yu; Goan, Hsi-Sheng; Li, Xin-Qi; Milburn, GJ, Generation and stabilization of a three-qubit entangled W state in circuit QED via quantum feedback control, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Volume: 88, Issue: 6, 62311, 2013
300 Guo, Guang-Yu; Klimov, Vasily; Sun, Shulin; et al., Metamaterial slab-based super-absorbers and perfect nanodetectors for single dipole sources, OPTICS EXPRESS, 11338-11348, 2013