AMO/QIS/CMT Publications

251 Huang, Chunli; Cazalilla, Miguel A., Disorder effects on helical edge transport in graphene under a strong tilted magnetic field, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Volume: 92, Issue: 15, 155124, 2015
252 Jen, H. H.; Wang, Daw-Wei, Extracting dynamical Green's function of ultracold quantum gases via electromagnetically induced transparency, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS, Volume: 31, Issue: 12, 2931-2937, 2014
253 Lin, Chiun-Yan; Wu, Jhao-Ying; Chiu, Yu-Huang; et al., Stacking-dependent magnetoelectronic properties in multilayer graphene, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Volume: 90, Issue: 20, 205434, 2014
254 Lo, Ya-Lin; Hsieh, Yun-Da; Hou, Chang-Yu; et al., Quantum impurity in a Luttinger liquid: Universal conductance with entanglement renormalization, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Volume: 90, Issue: 23, 235124, 2014
255 Cazalilla, Miguel A.; Rey, Ana Maria, Ultracold Fermi gases with emergent SU(N) symmetry, REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS Volume: 77 Issue: 12, 124401, 2014
256 Tezuka, Masaki; Garcia-Garcia, Antonio M.; Cazalilla, Miguel A., 16. Destruction of long-range order by quenching of the hopping range in one dimension, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Volume: 90, Issue: 5, 53618, 2014
257 Chen, Shin-Liang; Chen, Guang-Yin; Chen, Yueh-Nan, Increase of entanglement by local PT-symmetric operations, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Volume: 90, Issue: 5, 54301, 2014
258 Goncharenko, A. V.; Venger, E. F.; Chang, Y. C.; et al., Arrays of core-shell nanospheres as 3D isotropic broadband ENZ and highly absorbing metamaterials, OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS, Volume: 4, Issue: 11, 2310-2322, 2014
259 Peng, Wei-Tao; Chai, Jeng-Da, Assessment of asymptotically corrected model potentials for charge-transfer-like excitations in oligoacenes, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, Volume: 16, Issue: 39, 21564-21569, 2014
260 Huang, Yao-Kung; Chen, Szu-Chao; Ho, Yen-Hung; et al., Feature-Rich Magnetic Quantization in Sliding Bilayer Graphenes, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, Volume: 4, 7509, 2014