AMO/QIS/CMT Publications

201 Chung, Ming-Chiang; Jhu, Yi-Hao; Chen, Pochung; et al., SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, Volume: 6, 29172, 2016
202 Sun, Hsiao-Ling; Peng, Wei-Tao; Chai, Jeng-Da, Assessment of the LFAs-PBE exchange-correlation potential for high-order harmonic generation of aligned H-2(+) molecules, RSC ADVANCES, Volume: 6, Issue: 40, 33318-33325, 2016
203 Lee, Jeng Yi; Lee, Ray-Kuang, Phase diagram for passive electromagnetic scatterers, OPTICS EXPRESS, Volume: 24, Issue: 6, 6480-6489, 2016
204 Huang, Chunli; Chong, Y. D.; Vignale, Giovanni; et al., Graphene electrodynamics in the presence of the extrinsic spin Hall effect, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Volume: 93, Issue: 16, 165429, 2016
205 Praxmeyer, Ludmila; Yang, Popo; Lee, Ray-Kuang, Phase-space representation of a non-Hermitian system with PT symmetry, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Volume: 93, Issue: 4, 42122, 2016
206 Chou, Po-Hao; Zhai, Liang-Jun; Chung, Chung-Hou; et al., Emergence of a Fermionic Finite-Temperature Critical Point in a Kondo Lattice, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Volume: 116, Issue: 17, 177002, 2016
207 Yang, Wen-Xing; Xie, Xiao-Tao; Chen, Ai-Xi; et al., Coherent control of high-order-harmonic generation via tunable plasmonic bichromatic near fields in a metal nanoparticle, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Volume: 93, Issue: 5, 53806, 2016
208 Wu, Tsan-Pei; Wang, Xiao-Qun; Guo, Guang-Yu; et al., Quantum criticality of the two-channel pseudogap Anderson model: universal scaling in linear and non-linear conductance, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, Volume: 28, Issue: 17, 175003, 2016
209 You, Jhih-Shih; Liu, I-Kang; Wang, Daw-Wei; et al., Unconventional Bose-Einstein condensation in a system with two species of bosons in the p-orbital bands in an optical lattice, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Volume: 93, Issue: 5, 53623, 2016
210 Praxmeyer, Ludmila; Chen, Chih-Cheng; Yang, Popo; et al., Direct measurement of time-frequency analogs of sub-Planck structures, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Volume: 93, Issue: 5, 53835, 2016