![[NCTS Physics Research Highlights] Yen-Hsun Lin & Meng-Ru Wu 'Supernova-Neutrino-Boosted Dark Matter from All Galaxies', Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 111004 (2024) [NCTS Physics Research Highlights] Yen-Hsun Lin & Meng-Ru Wu 'Supernova-Neutrino-Boosted Dark Matter from All Galaxies', Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 111004 (2024)](/uploads/asset/data/66ffcbeb98bbfbef33c5f400/_NCTS_Physics_Research_Highlights__Yen-Hsun_Lin___Meng-Ru_Wu__Supernova-Neutrino-Boosted_Dark_Matter_from_All_Galaxies___Phys._Rev._Lett._133__111004__2024_.png)
Diffuse boosted dark matter background from all galaxies in the Universe 來自宇宙間所有星系的瀰漫性加速暗物質背景
"Supernova-Neutrino-Boosted Dark Matter from All Galaxies"
Yen-Hsun Lin and Meng-Ru Wu
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 111004 (2024)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.111004
Drs. Yen-Hsun Lin and Meng-Ru Wu from the Institute of Physics have considered a novel component of the diffuse boosted dark matter (DBDM) driven by all past supernova explosions that happened in the Universe. This DBDM, akin to the renowned diffuse supernova neutrino background, offers a new perspective in dark matter detection. Our analysis reveals that DBDM not only can provide improved sensitivities to probe the unknown nature of DM with just a few years of exposure time from the upcoming neutrino experiment Hyper-Kamiokande compared to earlier studies, but also proves robust against uncertainties originated from the dark matter profiles in different galaxies. This work also highlights a new way to utilize our understanding of astrophysical transients to probe the fundamental particle physics. The study has been published in Physical Review Letters on September 13, 2024.
中研院物理所林彥勳博士與吳孟儒博士考慮了一種嶄新的,從宇宙間所有星系內的超新星爆炸事件所產生的瀰漫性加速暗物質(diffuse boosted dark matter)。透過分析這種類似於瀰漫性超新星中微子背景的瀰漫性加速暗物質,此研究為暗物質探測帶來了進一步的進展。我們的研究顯示,考慮瀰漫性加速暗物質在即將到來的頂級神岡探測器實驗(Hyper-Kamiokande)的作用,能帶來比之前搜尋暗物質研究結果更好的靈敏度。此外,此研究也發現分析瀰漫性加速暗物質的結果不顯著依賴對於不同星系中未知暗物質密度分佈的假設。這項研究也揭示了利用對瞬變天文物理現象的理解來探測基本粒子物理的一種新的可能性。此研究已於2024年9月13日發表在《物理評論快報》上。