Category Quantum Information and Quantum Computing
Event Duration 2022-07-05 - 2022-07-15
Conference Name NCTS 1-day Workshop on The Nonequilibrium Green’s Function Technique for Nanoelectronic Device Simulations
Nowadays electronic devices have reached the nanoscale size and there are several crucial quantum phenomena, such as the tunneling effect, ballistic transport, spin transport, and so on, that the classical carrier transport theory cannot be appropriately implemented.  Therefore, a quantum transport model is essentially needed to be employed for understanding the device physics and evaluating device performance accurately.   Nonequilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) combined with the proper Hamiltonian of the system is a powerful tool to enable answering these requests. Furthermore, using some numerical treatments, NEGF also can simulate carrier transport for the systems in the macroscopy regime.  

In this tutorial, therefore, Prof. Geng-chiau Liang will give the basic concept of nonequilibrium Green’s function from a device theorist's perspective and then give some examples of nanoscale FETs, resonant tunneling diodes, and spin filters based on NEGF simulations.    

This NCTS 1-day workshop consists of three talks in the morning and hand-on tutorials in the afternoon. 
Location NTU\ Hybrid for the morning talks
