Seminars |
Subatomic swirls and beyond : spin transport in ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions
2022-05-05 |
Seminars |
[NCTS-NTU String Theory Seminar] Digital quantum simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with topological term
2022-04-29 |
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Higgs 'Alignment limit' and relaxed flavor constraint in a three-Higgs-doublet extension.
2022-04-28 |
Seminars |
[NCTS-NTU String Theory Seminar] Scaling exponents of Mellin amplitudes for deriving bounds on flat space S-matrices from bounds on chaos
2022-04-22 |
Seminars |
Color confinement and monopole dominance
2022-04-21 |
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[NCTS-NTU String Theory Seminar] The cosmological constant problem and covariant quantization of unimodular gravity
2022-04-15 |
Seminars |
Black Hole Quasinormal Modes in GR and Beyond
2022-04-14 |
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Testing Radiative Fermion Mass Generation
2022-04-07 |
Seminars |
[NCTS-NTU String Theory Seminar] Superradiant instability of higher-dimensional black strings
2022-04-01 |
Seminars |
U(1)_{L_\mu - L_\tau} for muon g-2, small vs large Z' mass
2022-03-31 |