Condensed Matter and Materials Physics

Event Date Speaker Title Host Notes
Dr. Thong Nguyen (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica) Neutron Stars as Dark Matter Colliders Prof. Po-Yen Tseng (NTHU)
Dr. Wei-Chih Huang (Southern Denmark U., CP3-Origins) A convolutional-neural-network estimator of CMB constraints on dark matter energy injection Prof. Po-Yen Tseng (NTHU)
Dr. Jaydeep Kumar Basak (NSYSU) Entanglement Negativity and Reflected Entropy for Communicating Black Holes. Prof. Dimitrios Giataganas (NSYSU)
Dr. Tae Hyun Jung (KIAS) Primordial black hole formations in first-order phase transitions Prof. Po-Yen Tseng (NTHU)
Dr. Yasuhiro YAMAMOTO (NCTS) New force search with precision isotope shift Prof. Po-Yen Tseng (NTHU)
Dr. Jongkuk Kim (KIAS, Korea) Dark Matter physics with dark Higgs Prof. Po-Yen Tseng (NTHU)
Dr. Reginald Christian Bernardo (IoP, Academia Sinica) Stochastic gravitational wave background phenomenology in a pulsar timing array Prof. Po-Yen Tseng (NTHU)
Dr. Hugues Beauchesne (NCTS)  Is the decay of the Higgs boson to a photon and a dark photon currently observable at the LHC? Prof. Po-Yen Tseng (NTHU)
Dr. WeiMing Chen (Kobe) Classical Black Hole Dynamics from Quantum Scattering Amplitudes Prof. Po-Yen Tseng (NTHU)
Dr. Pak Hang Chris Lau (Kobe University) Quantum Mechanics, Information and Black holes Prof. Po-Yen Tseng (NTHU)
Mr. Wei-Xiang Feng ( UC Riverside ) Gravothermal phase transition, black holes and space dimensionality Prof. Po-Yen Tseng (NTHU)
Dr. Jan Tristram Acuña (NTHU) Minimal dark matter model for muon g-2 with scalar lepton partners up to the TeV scale Prof. Po-Yen Tseng (NTHU)
Prof. Hikaru Kawai (NTU) Do different observers see the same physics? Prof. Po-Yen Tseng (NTHU)
Prof. Satoshi Iso (KEK) [NCTS-NTU String Theory Seminar] Complementarity and Propagation of Decoherence in relativistic quantum measurements Prof. Yu-tin Huang (NTU)
Dr. Tadashi Okazaki (KIAS) [NCTS-NTU String Theory Seminar] M2-branes and plane partitions Prof. Yu-tin Huang (NTU)
Prof. Chang-Tse Hsieh (NTU) [NCTS-NTU String Theory Seminar] Anomaly matching and symmetry-constrained low-energy properties of 1d quantum many-body systems Prof. Yu-tin Huang (NTU)
Dr. Junichi Sakamoto (NTU) Integrable field theories from 4d Chern-Simons theory with 2d systems. Prof. Chong-Sun Chu (NTHU)
Prof. Dimitrios Giataganas (NSYSU) [NCTS-NTU String Theory Seminar] Non-Local Observables, Universalities and Symmetry in Strongly Coupled Theories Prof. Yu-tin Huang (NTU)
Dr. Sumit Ghosh (KIAS) U(1)_T3R model with light mediators Prof. Chong-Sun Chu (NTHU)
Mr. Yusuke Taki (YITP) [NCTS-NTU String Theory Seminar] CFT duals of three-dimensional de Sitter gravity Prof. Yu-tin Huang (NTU)