Symmetries of High Temperature QCD with Physical (u/d, s, c) Domain-Wall Quarks
Title:Symmetries of High Temperature QCD with Physical (u/d, s, c) Domain-Wall Quarks
Time:2022/10/24 (Mon.) 12:30
Place:R517, New Physics Building, NTU
It is important to understand the nature of quark matter in high-T QCD,
which is crucial for the mechanism of matter creation in the early universe,
as well as in the heavy-ion collision experiments at RHIC and LHC.
A first step toward this goal is to find out the symmetries of high-T QCD,
since the nature of matter can be unveiled from its symmetries.
I study meson correlators in Nf=2+1+1 lattice QCD with dynamical
domain-wall quarks at the physical point, for T=(190−770) MeV.
The meson correlators include a complete set of Dirac bilinears,
and each for six combinations of quark flavors.
I discuss the implications of these results for
the effective restoration of various symmetries in high T QCD,
and their physical impacts.