[NTU-NCTS String Seminar] Gravitational waveform from scattering amplitudes

  • Event Date: 2024-04-01
  • High energy theory
  • Speaker: Fei Teng (Penn State University)  /  Host: Profs. Yu-tin Huang & Pei-Ming Ho (NTU)
    Place: Rm. 815, Dept. of Physics, NTU

Title:Gravitational waveform from scattering amplitudes
Speaker:Fei Teng (Penn State University)
Date:2024/04/01 (Mon.)

The synergy between amplitude based and general relativity based perturbation methods has led to many interesting new insights on gravitational two-body systems. I will present the recent computation of the scattering waveform at O(G2) and all order in the relative velocity, using the amplitude based KMOC formalism. To achieve the correct result, one needs to carefully take into account several subtle contributions: (1) the iterative part of the KMOC matrix elements, which is intimately correlated with a frame choice; (2) the scheme dependent epsilon/epsilon contribution from the dimensional regularization of the IR divergence; (3) both the external and internal zero-energy gravitons whose contribution turns out to be a BMS transformation. We find exact agreement up to 2.5PN with the waveform computed from the general relativity based MPM method.