[Joint CQSE & NCTS Seminar] Bridging classical and quantum computation: from tensor network to quantum circuit

Title: [Joint CQSE & NCTS Seminar] Bridging classical and quantum computation: from tensor network to quantum circuit
Speaker: Prof. Po-Chung Chen (National Tsing Hua University)
Time: Nov. 18, 2022, 14:30-15:30
Place: Rm. 104, Chin-Pao Yang Lecture Hall, CCMS & New Physics Building, NTU
Online: https://nationaltaiwanuniversity-zbh.my.webex.com/nationaltaiwanuniversity-zbh.my/j.php?MTID=mfb9740abc62590ec301de893cd73304b

In this talk, I first introduce the concept of tensor network and explain why tensor
network is the best classical simulation framework for quantum many-body systems.
Then I introduce the perspective of viewing quantum circuit as a restricted subclass of
tensor networks and argue that tensor network is natural language to bridge the classical
and quantum computations. This bridge leads to many possibilities to achieve quantum
advantage using NISQ devices.
For example, one can promote a tensor network to a quantum circuit tensor network by
replacing the unitaries and isometries by local quantum circuits. Or, one can port classical
tensor network algorithms to finite-depth quantum circuit machines. Yet another potential
is to use classical tensor network simulations to identify a good initial quantum state,
convert the state to the parameters of a parameterized quantum circuit, then perform
further optimization on quantum hardware.

Prof. Pochung Chen received his PhD degree from the Physics Department, University of
California San Diego, USA in 2002. He joined the Department of Physics, National Tsing
Hua University, Taiwan in 2004 and was promoted to the full professor in 2014.
His is a computational condensed matter physicist. He has been applying tensor network
algorithms to various strongly correlated many-body systems. He has also been working
on bridging the tensor network and quantum circuit to explore the quantum advantage in
the NISQ era.