Using Physics methods to study complex systems -- Some examples from social science, economics and finance

  • Event Date: 2021-01-07
  • Particle/String/Cosmology
  • Speaker: Prof. Sai-Ping Li (Academia Sinica)  /  Host: Prof. Chong-Sun Chu (NTHU)
    Place: Lecture Room A of NCTS, 4F, 3rd General Building, Nat'l Tsing Hua Univ.

In the new Big Data era, there is now an overflow of data in many areas, from financial markets to experimental high energy physics. In this pedagogic talk, I'll give a few examples from my research works in recent years by using physics methods to study various complex systems including e.g., social, financial systems, etc. I'll conclude by discussing some of my current works and thoughts on future directions.

[Lunchbox Registration]
If you will attend the seminar and would like to have a lunchbox on that day, please fill out the online registration form below by 10:00AM Jan. 6th (Wednesday morning). Late registration will not be accepted.
1. The lunchboxes will only be prepared for the participation of professors and postdoctoral researchers.

2. In order to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19, we suggest that you bring your own face mask and wear it while attending the seminar.
3. You may check this web page again later after you have completed the online registration. The data for the list of registered attendees will be updated every 5 minutes and shown at the bottom of the page. 

[List of Attendees Registered for the Lunchboxes]