Teleparallel Conformal Invariant Models Induced by Kaluza-Klein Reduction

  • Event Date: 2017-06-08
  • Particle/String/Cosmology
  • Speaker: Dr. Ling-Wei Luo (NTHU)  /  Host: Prof. Pai-hsien Jennifer Hsu (NTHU)
    Place: R521, 5F, 2nd General Building, Nat'l Tsing Hua Univ.

We study the extensions of teleparallism in the five dimensional 

Kaluza-Klein (KK) scenario by writing the analogous form to the torsion scalar  
T_{\text{NGR}} = a\,T_{ijk} \, T^{ijk} + b\,T_{ijk} \,T^{kji}  + c\,T^{j}{}_{ji} \, T^{k}{}_{k}{}^{i}
in the four-dimensional New General Relativity (NGR) 
with  arbitrary coefficients ab and c. The effective Lagrangian can be obtained 
after the KK reduction. We look for the different sets of the coefficients (abc
corresponding to the different models. In general, the Einstein-frame does not exist for 
the non-minimal coupled torsion scalar. We first show the requirement of the Einstein-frame 
for non-minimal coupled Lagrangian. Then we demonstrate that the pure conformal invariant 
gravity models can be constructed. In particular, the torsion vector can be identified 
as the conformal gauge field, while the conformal gauge theory can be obtained. 
Finally, we consider the weak field approximation and discuss the non-minimal coupled term 
of the scalar current and torsion vector.