Some new results in gravitational wave physics: (i)quantum corrections to the primordial spectra and (ii)TLN of braneworld black holes

  • Event Date: 2021-03-25
  • Particle/String/Cosmology
  • Speaker: Dr. Hai Siong Tan (NCTS)  /  Host: Prof. Kingman Cheung (NTHU)
    Place: R521, 5F, 2nd General Building, Nat'l Tsing Hua Univ.

In this talk, we present a couple of recent results touching on some theoretical aspects of gravitational waves. For the first component of the seminar, we explain various details of a procedure to compute one-loop corrections to the primordial scalar and tensor spectra using both dimensional and cutoff regularization, refining a seminal result due to Weinberg. The second part of the talk concerns the tidal deformability of black holes. We review the notion of tidal Love number, and show that the TLN of a black hole in Randall-Sundrum theory can be non-vanishing, as opposed to the Schwarzschild solution in ordinary GR. This serves as an example of how TLN could be a potential indicator of new physics in gravitational waveforms.

[Lunchbox Registration]
If you will attend the seminar and would like to have a lunchbox on that day, please fill out the online registration form below by 10:00AM Mar. 24th (Wednesday morning). Late registration will not be accepted.
1. The lunchboxes will only be prepared for the participation of professors and postdoctoral researchers.
2. In order to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19, we suggest that you bring your own face mask and wear it while attending the seminar.
3. You may check this web page again later after you have completed the online registration. The data for the list of registered attendees will be updated every 5 minutes and shown at the bottom of the page. 

[List of Attendees Registered for the Lunchboxes]