Entanglement Renormalization Circuits for Chiral Topological Order.
Speaker: Dr. Su-Kuan Chu (JILA, UC Boulder).
Title: Entanglement Renormalization Circuits for Chiral Topological Order.
Time: 10:30-12:00, Tuesday, 2024/12/31
Place: NCTS-Phys Lecture Hall, 4F, Chee-Chun Leung Cosmology Hall, NTU.R307, 3F, Cosmology Hall, NTU????
Host: Prof. Pochung Chen (NTHU)
Abstract: Entanglement renormalization circuits are quantum circuits that can be used to prepare large-scale entangled states. For years, it has remained a mystery whether there exist scale-invariant entanglement renormalization circuits for chiral topological order. In this talk, we solve this problem by demonstrating entanglement renormalization circuits for a wide class of chiral topologically ordered states, including a state sharing the same topological properties as Laughlin's bosonic fractional quantum Hall state at filling fraction 1/4 and eight states with Ising-like non-Abelian fusion rules. The key idea is to build entanglement renormalization circuits by interleaving the conventional multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz (MERA) circuit (made of spatially local gates) with quasi-local evolution. Given the miraculous power of this circuit to prepare a wide range of chiral topologically ordered states, we refer to these circuits as MERA with quasi-local evolution (MERAQLE).
Bio: Su-Kuan is a postdoctoral fellow at JILA at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He received his PhD at the University of Maryland, College Park. His research interests lie in quantum computing and quantum many-body physics. Specifically, he is interested in using quantum computers and ideas from quantum information to solve problems in quantum quantum many-body systems and has published works related to quantum algorithms and circuits for condensed-matter systems.