Connecting the B anomalies with the Hierarchy Problem

  • Event Date: 2022-03-21
  • High energy phenomenology
  • Speaker: Dr. Yi Chung (UC Davis)  /  Host: Dr. Dibyashree Sengupta
    Place: R517, New Physics Building, NTU

Title:Connecting the B anomalies with the Hierarchy Problem
Time:2022/03/21 (Mon.) 12:30
Place:R517, New Physics Building, NTU

Intriguing hints for lepton flavor universality violation have emerged from the measurement of B meson decays by LHCb. These B anomalies point to the new physics at the low TeV scale, exactly where we expect a solution to the hierarchy problem! In this talk, I will present an economical model that can address the two problems at once. The model is based on a SU(4)/SP(4) fundamental composite Higgs model. The hierarchy problem can be solved by the compositeness of the pNGB Higgs, and the observed B anomalies can be explained by the additional Z’ boson in the model. The model connects the energy scales of the EWSB and the B anomalies. I will discuss the experimental constraints from Higgs physics, flavor physics, and LHC direct searches.