Seminars 專題演講

Event Date Speaker Title Host Notes
Dr. Carlos Andres Cardona Giraldo (NCTS) Deforming CFT₂ on a Symmetric Product and Pulsating Strings Dr. Tadashi Okazaki (NTU)
Dr. Xing Huang (NTNU) Entanglement renormalization and integral geometry
Prof. Yuh-Lin Wang (Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica) A Voyage from Atoms/Molecules and Clusters/Nanostructures to Bacteria and Planet-Human Prof. Shu-Jung Tang (NTHU)
Prof. Yih-Fan Chen DNA-Guided Assembly of Three-Dimensional Nanostructures for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Prof. Yi-Wei Liu (National Tsing Hua University)
Dr. Fang Ye (National Central University) Large Field Inflation from Axion Mixings Prof. Chong-Sun Chu (NTHU)
Prof. Hua-Bi Zeng (Bohai Univ.) Disorder effect in holographic superconductor Dr. Ya-Juan Zheng (NTU)
Prof. Mibe Tsutomu (Osaka university / KEK) Measurement of muon g-2 and EDM with ultra-cold muon beam at J-PARC. Prof. C. Q. Geng (NTHU)
Prof. Zi Yang Meng (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Bona fide interaction-driven topological phase transition in correlated SPT states Prof. Ying-Jer Kao (NTU)
Dr. Jhih-Shih You (Harvard U., USA) Electron-spin to Phonon Coupling in Graphene with Heavy Adatoms and Unconventional Bose-Einstein Condensations in p-orbital Prof. Daw-Wei Wang (NTHU)
Prof. Hua Bi Zeng (NCU) Holographic study of disorder and impurity effect in superconductor
Prof. Pinaki Sengupta (Nanyang Technological University) Strange correlations in topological phases Prof. Ying-Jer Kao (NTU)
Prof. Chia-Ming Kuo (NCU) Our understanding of the 125 GeV Nobel-prized boson, 1189 days after its discovery
Prof. Bo-Yao Wang (NCUE) How antiferromagnetism drives the magnetization of a ferromagnetic thin film to align out of plane? Prof. Shu-Jung Tang (NTHU)
Dr. Po-Yan Tseng (NTHU) W' and Z' boson as a solution for ATLAS diboson excess
Dr. Chunshan Lin (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics) Resonant Primordial Gravitational Waves Amplification Prof. Chong-Sun Chu (NTHU)
Dr. Tsutomu Mibe (KEK) Measurement of muon g-2 and EDM with ultra-cold muon beam at J-PARC Dr. Yuan Chao (NTU)
Prof. Xiao-Gang He (NTU/NCTS) Theory for Neutrno Mixing
Prof. Wen-Te Liao (NCU) An all-optical cavity QED system & an optomechanical interface between x-ray and optical photons Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen (NCKU)
Dr. Douglas J. Smith (Durham University) Supersymmetric Open M2-brane Actions Dr. Tadashi Okazaki (NTU)
Dr. Po-Yan Tseng (NTHU) Interpretations of the ATLAS Diboson Anomaly. Prof. C. Q. Geng (NTHU)