Seminars 專題演講

Event Date Speaker Title Host Notes
Dr. Hung-Yi Pu (ASIAA) How would a black hole look like? Black Hole shadow and Greenland Telescope Project. Prof. C. Q. Geng (NTHU)
Dr. Carlos Cardona (NCTS) Deforming CFT_2 on a symmetric product and pulsating strings Dr. Eibun Senaha (NCU)
Prof. Chuan-Tsung Chan (Tung Hai University) On the exact correspondence between quantum spin chain and classical statistical models Prof. Chong-Sun Chu (NTHU)
Prof. Wei-Hua Wang (Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, AS) Exploring transport and optoelectronic properties of 2D materials by interface engineering Prof. Shu-Jung Tang (NTHU)
Dr. You-Lin Chuang (Institute of Photonics Technologies, NTHU) Quantum theory for pulse propagation in electromagnetically-induced-transparency media beyond the adiabatic approximation Prof. Yi-Wei Liu (NTHU)
蔡易霖 (NCKU) Semiconductor-Nanowire-Based Superconducting Qubit Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen (NCKU)
Mr. 張峰銘 (NCKU) Towards quantum thermodynamics in electronic circuits Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen (NCKU)
Prof. Hsiang-nan Li (AS) Glauber gluon effect in B decays Dr. Yuan Chao (NTU)
Mr. 周奕廷 (NCKU) All-electric all-semiconductor spin field-effect transistors Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen (NCKU)
Mr. 陳昆富 (NCKU) Experimental realization of long-distance entanglement between spins in antiferromagnetic quantum spin chains Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen (NCKU)
Prof. Henry Tsz-King Wong (AS) Neutrino and Dark Matter Physics with Germanium Detector at sub-keV sensitivity. Prof. C. Q. Geng (NTHU)
Dr. Dong-han Yeom (NTU) Information loss problem and its resolutions Dr. Eibun Senaha (NCU)
Prof. Chuan-ren Chen (NTNU) Same-Sign Dilepton Signatures of Vector-like Quarks
Prof. Tzay-Ming Hong (NTHU) Acoustic Emission from Breaking a Bamboo Chopstick Prof. Shu-Jung Tang (NTHU)
Prof. Ming-Che Chang Chiral Magnetic Effect in Weyl Semi-metal Hong-Yi Chen (NTNU)
Prof. Wang Gang (College of Physics, Soochow University, China) Anderson Localization-delocalization Transition of Light in Quasiperiodic Photonic Lattices Prof. Ray-Kuang Lee (NTHU)
Prof. Chen Yu-Jung (National Central University Department of Physics) Thermal Effect on the VUV Photo-induced-desorption of CO2 Ice Prof. Yi-Wei Liu (NTHU)
Prof. Henry Tye (HKUST) Sphaleron in Higgs Physics Dr. Ya-Juan Zheng (NTU)
Dr. Akinori Tanaka (RIKEN) Exact Path Integral for 3D Quantum Gravity Dr. Tadashi Okazaki (NTU)
Dr. Antonio Figueiredo (NCTS) Neutrino masses from SUSY breaking in radiative seesaw models. Prof. C. Q. Geng (NTHU)