[NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] Universal characterization of Efimovian D0nn System via Faddee Techniques

  • Event Date: 2024-12-16
  • High energy phenomenology
  • Speaker: Dr. Ghanashyam Meher (NTU)  /  Host:
    Place: R517, New Physics Building

Speaker: Dr. Ghanashyam Meher (NTU)
Talk title: Universal characterization of Efimovian D0nn System via Faddee Techniques
Time: 2024/12/16 (Mon.) 12:30 
Place: R517, New Physics Building

Numerous studies suggest that halo-nuclei containing hyperons exhibit universal features at the unitary limit where the two-body scattering length is significantly larger than the effective range. Such nuclei, often referred to as exotic nuclei, display phenomena such as renormalization group limit-cycle and Efimov effect which are three-body universality discovered by Vitali Efimov in 1971. In this talk, I will present the universal features of a putative S-wave 2n-halo-bound D0nn system in the J=0, T=3/2 channel by employing the zero coupling limit (ZCL) where subthreshold decay channels are excluded. Using a Jacobi momentum representation and its partial wave projected basis states, we construct the full wave function of the system and derive the corresponding Faddeev integral equations. Subsequently, we establish a one-to-one correspondence with the well-known Skornyakov-Ter-Martirosyan(STM) integral equations, commonly used in the context of leading order pionless effective field theory. Additionally, we explore the structural universality of the system which includes measurement of different radii of the system.