[NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] Universal characterization of Efimovian D0nn System via Faddee Techniques
Speaker: Dr. Ghanashyam Meher (NTU)
Talk title: Universal characterization of Efimovian D0nn System via Faddee Techniques
Time: 2024/12/16 (Mon.) 12:30
Place: R517, New Physics Building
Numerous studies suggest that halo-nuclei containing hyperons exhibit universal features at the unitary limit where the two-body scattering length is significantly larger than the effective range. Such nuclei, often referred to as exotic nuclei, display phenomena such as renormalization group limit-cycle and Efimov effect which are three-body universality discovered by Vitali Efimov in 1971. In this talk, I will present the universal features of a putative S-wave 2n-halo-bound D0nn system in the J=0, T=3/2 channel by employing the zero coupling limit (ZCL) where subthreshold decay channels are excluded. Using a Jacobi momentum representation and its partial wave projected basis states, we construct the full wave function of the system and derive the corresponding Faddeev integral equations. Subsequently, we establish a one-to-one correspondence with the well-known Skornyakov-Ter-Martirosyan(