NCTS Lecture Series on Theory of Cosmological Perturbations and Inflation

Speaker: Prof. Sasaki, Misao (YITP)
Place: Lecture Room A of NCTS, 4F, 3rd General Building, Nat'l Tsing Hua Univ.

  • Event Date: 2018-03-07 Wed 14:00 ~ 2018-03-09 Fri 17:00
  • Speaker: Prof. Sasaki, Misao (YITP)  /  Host:
    Place: Lecture Room A of NCTS, 4F, 3rd General Building, Nat'l Tsing Hua Univ.

As we are entering an era of precision cosmology, it has become possible to identify or constrain with good accuracy the origin of the large scale structures of the Universe from observational data. In doing so, cosmological perturbation theory plays the essential role. In fact, without it the inflationary universe could not have become an integrated part of the “standard cosmology”. In these lectures, I review the theory of cosmological perturbations with a special emphasis on its role in the inflationary universe. As an associated, important subject, I also touch basics of quantum field theory in curved spacetime.