國家理論科學研究中心物理組恭喜國立中山大學─狄米契教授(TG 2.2 中心科學家)以及國立清華大學─楊湘怡教授(TG 2.3 中心科學家)榮獲2022年輕理論學者獎。
NCTS Physics congratulates Prof. Dimitrios Giataganas (TG 2.2 CS; National Sun Yat-sen University) and Prof. Hsiang-Yi Karen Yang (TG 2.3 CS; National Tsing Hua University) on winning the 2022 Young Theoretical Scholar Award.
Prof. Dimitrios Giataganas has won the 2022 Young Theoretical Scholar Award for his outstanding contributions to theoretical high energy physics, especially in topics of the gauge/gravity correspondence.
Prof. Hsiang-Yi Karen Yang has won the 2022 Young Theoretical Scholar Award for her outstanding contributions to theoretical astrophysics, especially for understanding the impact of black hole jets on the evolution of the Milky Way Galaxy and other galaxies.
The Award was presented at the Opening Ceremony of the 2023 TPS Annual Meeting, hosted by National Cheng Kung University, on Jan. 16, 2023.
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