![[NCTS Physics Research Highlights] Yang-hao Chan 'Giant self-driven exciton-Floquet signatures in time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of MoS2 from time-dependent GW approach', PNAS 120, e2301957120 (2023) [NCTS Physics Research Highlights] Yang-hao Chan 'Giant self-driven exciton-Floquet signatures in time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of MoS2 from time-dependent GW approach', PNAS 120, e2301957120 (2023)](/uploads/asset/data/6560740e98bbfbef25fc6d85/_NCTS_Physics_Research_Highlights__Yang-hao_Chan__Giant_self-driven_exciton-Floquet_signatures_in_time-resolved_photoemission_spectroscopy_of_MoS2_from_time-dependent_GW_approach___PNAS_120__e2301.png)
Giant self-driven exciton-Floquet signatures in time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of MoS2 from time-dependent GW approach
Y.-H. Chan*, Diana Y. Qiu, Felipe H. da Jornada, and Steven G. Louie
PNAS 120, e2301957120 (2023)
DOI: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2301957120
Engineering material properties through coherent optical fields has led to the discovery of light-induced transient superconductivity, ferroelectric transitions, and other exotic phases, which were previously thought to exist only in equilibrium. Here, we show that materials’ electronic structure can also be engineered with a “self-driven exciton-Floquet effect,” where the pump light creates excitons with a coherent polarization that itself acts as a driving field, independent of the light field. We demonstrate such effects in monolayer MoS2 from first-principles calculations and show that it can provide an understanding to modify the material’s band structure in time-resolved angle-resolved photoemission experiments.