![[NCTS Physics Research Highlights] Chung-Hou Chung 'The scaled-invariant Planckian metal and quantum criticality in Ce1−xNdxCoIn5', Nat Commun 14, 581 (2023) [NCTS Physics Research Highlights] Chung-Hou Chung 'The scaled-invariant Planckian metal and quantum criticality in Ce1−xNdxCoIn5', Nat Commun 14, 581 (2023)](/uploads/asset/data/649e804e1d41c8d63f8fd134/_NCTS_Physics_Research_Highlights__Chung-Hou_Chung__The_scaled-invariant_Planckian_metal_and_quantum_criticality_in_Ce1_xNdxCoIn5___Nat_Commun_14__581__2023_.png)
The Scaled-invariant Planckian metal and quantum criticality in Ce1−xNdxCoIn5
Yung-Yeh Chang, Hechang Lei, C. Petrovic & Chung-Hou Chung*
Nature Communications 14, 581 (2023)
Over the past decade, the mysterious Planckian strange metal state, showing perfect T-linear resistivity associated with universal scattering rate, 1/t= α kBT/ℏ with α ~ 1, has been observed in the normal state of various strongly correlated superconductors close to a quantum critical point. In collaboration with Brookhaven Nat. Lab. of USA, we observe quantum-critical temperature-to-field (T/B)-scaling of the Planckian metal state in resistivity and specific heat coefficient of heavy-electron superconductor Ce1−xNdxCoIn5 in magnetic fields near the edge of anti-ferromagnetism close to the critical doping xc ~ 0.03. We present clear c. We provide the first microscopic mechanism to qualitatively account for this highly many-body entangled quantum critical strange metal state by the interplay between Kondo effect and anti-ferromagnetic short-ranged spin correlations near Kondo breakdown quantum phase transition. Our work paves the way for understanding the Planckian metal in high-Tc cuprtae superconductors. experimental evidences of Kondo hybridization being quantum critical at x
近10年來,一種神秘而令人費解被稱為” 普朗克金屬”的奇異金屬量子態普遍地出現在超導溫度以上之強關聯超導體中.電子在此狀態, 下其散射率(1/t) 與溫度(T)呈完美之線性關係:1/t=2pα kBT / h,( ”h”為普朗克常數).而比例常數α在實驗中是一個很接近1的常數. 此一新穎量子態常出現於不穩定的”量子臨界點”附近.由仲崇厚教授主導之理論團隊與美國布魯克海文國家實驗室共同合作,於重費米子超導體Ce1−xNdxCoIn5反鐵磁消失之量子臨界點附近發現此一奇異金屬態.在溫度與磁場下,其電阻率與比熱係數呈現量子臨界標度律行為.本文更進一步地以”近藤效應”與”反鐵磁短程自旋有序態”於近藤消失之量子臨界點之交互作用首次成功地解釋此一高度多體糾纏之奇異金屬量子臨界態.本論文之成果有助於理解高溫銅基超導體中出現之普朗克金屬態.
DOI: Over the past decade, the mysterious Planckian strange metal state, showing perfect T-linear resistivity associated with universal scattering rate, 1/t= α kBT/ℏ with α ~ 1, has been observed in the normal state of various strongly correlated superconductors close to a quantum critical point. In collaboration with Brookhaven Nat. Lab. of USA, we observe quantum-critical temperature-to-field (T/B)-scaling of the Planckian metal state in resistivity and specific heat coefficient of heavy-electron superconductor Ce1−xNdxCoIn5 in magnetic fields near the edge of anti-ferromagnetism close to the critical doping xc ~ 0.03. We present clear c. We provide the first microscopic mechanism to qualitatively account for this highly many-body entangled quantum critical strange metal state by the interplay between Kondo effect and anti-ferromagnetic short-ranged spin correlations near Kondo breakdown quantum phase transition. Our work paves the way for understanding the Planckian metal in high-Tc cuprtae superconductors. experimental evidences of Kondo hybridization being quantum critical at x
近10年來,一種神秘而令人費解被稱為” 普朗克金屬”的奇異金屬量子態普遍地出現在超導溫度以上之強關聯超導體中.電子在此狀態, 下其散射率(1/t) 與溫度(T)呈完美之線性關係:1/t=2pα kBT / h,( ”h”為普朗克常數).而比例常數α在實驗中是一個很接近1的常數. 此一新穎量子態常出現於不穩定的”量子臨界點”附近.由仲崇厚教授主導之理論團隊與美國布魯克海文國家實驗室共同合作,於重費米子超導體Ce1−xNdxCoIn5反鐵磁消失之量子臨界點附近發現此一奇異金屬態.在溫度與磁場下,其電阻率與比熱係數呈現量子臨界標度律行為.本文更進一步地以”近藤效應”與”反鐵磁短程自旋有序態”於近藤消失之量子臨界點之交互作用首次成功地解釋此一高度多體糾纏之奇異金屬量子臨界態.本論文之成果有助於理解高溫銅基超導體中出現之普朗克金屬態.