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Feb. 21 (Fri.)
Venue: NCKU campus
Time Speaker Title
12:10~13:55 Lunch & Registration
13:55~14:00 Opening Remarks- Prof. Tse-Ming Chen (Director, QFort of NCKU)
Chair: Prof. Hong-Bin Chen (NCKU)
14:00~14:30 Prof. Shin-Liang Chen
General characterization of quantum temporal correlations
14:30~15:00 Prof. Huan-Yu Ku
Measurement incompatibility cannot be stochastically distilled
15:00~15:30 Prof. Jyong-Hao Chen
Quantum speed limits, fidelity estimation, and lower bounds on adiabatic quantum computing times
15:30~15:50 Break
Chair: Dr. Sumit Goswami (AS)
15:50~16:20 Prof. Ken Funo
( The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
Quantum advantages in nonequilibrium thermodynamics
16:20~16:50 Dr. Po-Chen Kuo
Dissipative engineering of environments for optimized photo-oxidation suppression in organic chromophores

Feb. 22 (Sat.)
Venue: NCKU campus
Time Speaker Title
09:00~09:20 Registration
Chair: Prof. Huan-Yu Ku (NTNU)
09:20~10:20 Prof. Francesco Buscemi
(Nagoya Univ., Japan)
Macroscopic entropy and Bayesian inference: overview of recent results
10:20~10:40 Break
Chair: Prof. Shin-Liang Chen (NCHU)
10:40~11:10 Dr. Sumit Goswami
Deterministic State-Carving for scalable quantum technologies
11:10~11:40 Prof. Joonwoo Bae
(KAIST, South Korea)
Sequential Quantum Maximum Confidence Discrimination
11:40~12:10 Dr. Giorgos Eftaxias
(KIAS, South Korea)
Advantages of Multicopy Nonlocality Distillation and Its Application to Minimizing Communication Complexity
12:10~14:00 Group Photo / Lunch
Chair: Prof. WenTe Liao (NCU)
14:00~14:30 Prof. Shayne Bennetts
Towards hybrid atom-photonics for quantum sensing and information processing
14:30~15:00 Prof. Chun-Chia Chen
A novel cooling paradigm: Enhancing atomic clocks and enabling scalable quantum information processing
15:00~15:30 Dr. Chen-Yu Lee
Squeezed phonon laser with trapped ions
15:30~15:50 Break
Chair: Prof. Shayne Bennetts (AS)
15:50~16:20 Prof. Flindt Christian
(Aalto Univ., Finland)
Cooper pair splitting in real-time
16:20~16:50 Dr. Kai-I Chu
Toward Highly efficient microwave memory through quantum interference using a superconducting artificial atom

Feb. 23 (Sun)
Venue: AS south campus
Time Speaker Title
10:00~10:30 Registration
Chair: Prof. Chun-Chia Chen(AS)
10:30~11:00 Prof. Chii-Dong Chen
Engineering Chip Packaging for Enhanced Performance in Superconducting Quantum Processors
11:00~11:30 Dr. I-Yun Hsiao
Controlling Superconducting Qubits Utilizing Nonadiabatic Transitions
11:30~12:00 Dr. Jhen-Dong Lin
Non-Markovian Quantum Exceptional Points

12:00~14:00 Group Photo/Lunch
Chair: Prof. Chii-Dong Chen(AS)
14:00~15:30 Prof. Chii-Dong Chen
Introduction to the Research Center for Critical Issues