Quantum information science (QIS) is a rapidly growing research area that has attracted the attention of researchers of diverse discipline, from physics, computer science, information theory, just to name a few. Today, this multidisciplinary research area not only pushes us towards a better understanding of the intriguing microscopic world and the fundamental limits of information processing but also serves as one of the main driving forces behind a number of maturing quantum technologies, such as quantum computation, quantum cryptography, quantum communication, etc.
With the support of the National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS) and the Academia Sinica (AS), which seeks to foster sustained scientific contacts and exchange between Taiwan and international research communities, we are pleased to introduce the first edition of the International Forum. This Forum aims to bring together both senior and young researchers from various communities working in QIS to exchange ideas by sharing their recent works. It is also expected that the Forum will not only facilitate the collaborations among the young researchers at the early stage of their research career, but also broaden the viewpoints of the students studying in any related fields.
With the support of the National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS) and the Academia Sinica (AS), which seeks to foster sustained scientific contacts and exchange between Taiwan and international research communities, we are pleased to introduce the first edition of the International Forum. This Forum aims to bring together both senior and young researchers from various communities working in QIS to exchange ideas by sharing their recent works. It is also expected that the Forum will not only facilitate the collaborations among the young researchers at the early stage of their research career, but also broaden the viewpoints of the students studying in any related fields.